"Having a cracked side walk in front of a house is a hazard that can lead to bodily injury liability issues for the homeowner. Insurance companies inspect the properties they insure from time to time and can require that cracked sidewalks and driveways be repaired as a condition of continuing to insure the home. To learn more, call Elissa at 707-935-6294 x 102 or Email your question."
One and three-quarter inches. That’s a number property owners should think about in the upcoming weeks. It’s a number that is crucial in a project the city is considering to repair sidewalk trip-hazards. And it is the threshold beyond which expensive sidewalk repairs could be required that, under state law, property owners will have to help pay for.
One and three-quarter inches. That’s a number property owners should think about in the upcoming weeks. It’s a number that is crucial in a project the city is considering to repair sidewalk trip-hazards. And it is the threshold beyond which expensive sidewalk repairs could be required that, under state law, property owners will have to help pay for.